What is self compassion?
The dictionary says this: Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. "The victims should be treated with compassion".
So why is it that we can feel other's pain and sympathize, but when it comes to ourselves we see only hatred, disgust, disappointment, or just not the person we thought we would become? Do not compare yourself to others, because we all have different phycological makeup and we all react to situations differently. That is why someone can lose a limb and seem to be okay, or they have overcome it and appear to be mentally healthy and accepting. Maybe so, maybe not. It does not matter. Shame is what drives these feelings in most of us. Remember, whatever happened is the past. We have to make amends for these actions and then we have to learn to let them go.
One of the most important aspects of metaphysics is cause and effect. You can not change the past, but todays actions can determine your future.
We need to keep the focus on us and not compare ourselves to others. Remember, yesterday is gone and tomorrow has not yet been promised. Focus on today and what changes can and need to be made for us to become the person we want to be. Everything we do today will be our tomorrow.
Try and not to let the past define you. Just like the body produces new cells and new skin, we need to shed our past so we can be the best version of ourselves today and in the future.
Self compassion is the gift you give to yourself.
Science of Mind says this:
THERE is something that casts back at us every thought that we think. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord," is a statement of eternal truth and correspondences against which nothing can stand, and whatever man sets in motion in mind will be returned to him, even as he has conceived within himself and brought forth into manifestation. If we wish to transcend old thoughts we must rise above them and think higher things: We are dealing with the law of cause and effect and it is absolute; it receives the slightest as well as the greatest thought and at once begins to act upon it. And sometimes even when we know this we are surprised at the rapidity with which it works. If we have been misusing this law we need not fail; all that we have to do is to turn from the old way and begin in the new. We will soon work up out of the old law into the new which is being established for us. When we desire only the good the evil slips from us and returns no more
are a form of energy in motion. They signal us of a loss, a threat or
a situation. Sadness is about losing something we cherish. Anger and
fear are signal of actual or impending threats to our well-being. Joy
signals that we are fulfilled and satisfied. Whenever a child is
shamed through some form of abandonment, feelings of anger, hurt and
sadness arise. Since shame-based parents are shame bound in all their
emotions, they cannot tolerate their children’s emotions.
Therefore, they shame their children’s emotions. When their
emotions are shamed, children numb out, so they don’t feel their
Bradshaw, Healing the Shame that Binds you.
“I think and think and think, I've thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it.” — Jonathan Safran Foer We as humans have evolved to develop a sophisticated ability to rationalize, analyze, and think because it simply helped us survive. Our minds do an incredible job to keep us alive, but it does not help us thrive. It is concerned solely with our safety and survival, but not our fulfillment or joy. The mind’s job is to alert us of potential dangers in our environment that may threaten our lives. It does its job so well that not only will it scan our immediate surroundings for threats, but it will even reference our backlog of past experiences to create hypothetical scenarios and predict what it thinks could be future potential dangers based on our memories. None of this is wrong by any means. The mind is simply doing what it was designed to do. When we don’t understand that its only duty is to help us survive, then we will get angry and frustrated with it. All conflict is derived from an innocent misunderstanding. Our mind’s duty is to keep us alive. Our consciousness’s duty is to help us feel fulfilled. Your soul is the reason why you’re even on this journey in the first place — to find peace, love, and joy for yourself. Your mind has done an amazing job at what it was made to do, but now you may relieve it of its job because we no longer live in the wild where death could be right around the corner in a bush. If we keep using our minds, we will constantly stay in a state of fight or flight, anxiety, fear, frustration, depression, anger, resentment, and all negative emotions because the mind thinks everything is a threat to our very existence. If you want to be free, happy, peaceful, and full of love, then you will need to let go of listening only to your mind and go beyond it by tuning into something much greater that will help you not just to survive, but to thrive." Joseph Nguyen
Start here at my page Free E-book downloads, and find John Bradshaw's book. There is also other good information there. You will find books on self compassion. Go to YouTube and find a meditation on self-worth. Self compassion is worth striving for.
Give Love to your inner child. Give yourself a break by knowing how much people count on you and need you in their lives. Every time you feel down say a positive mantra to yourself. Know that you are worthy of love and friendship and act accordingly. If you have to fake it till you make it. Self compassion is worth it.
Blessings to you on your journey and know you are special and deserving of Love.
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