How Can You Treat Alcoholism
Authored By 
Cecelia Johnson 

How Can You Treat Alcoholism

Overcoming Addiction is never easy although always worth it.

Overcoming Addiction and this article will help give back to a disease worth overcoming

This article from one of my contributing authors has excellent information.

How Going to Treatment Changed My Life: Recovering Addicts Share Their Stories 

When you’re an addict, the idea of a sober life can be tough to imagine. But although your substance of choice may be trying to convince you otherwise, clean living is not only possible, it may end up being the best choice you ever made.

We recently spoke to graduates of addiction treatment programs, and they shared some of the ways that rehabilitation changed their lives for the better. Here are a few of their insights. 

Treatment makes you learn to value yourself, and your sobriety.

Addiction sometimes has a sneaky way of convincing your brain that feeding your habit is more important than anything else. For some, it may even convince you that you’re a better version of yourself when you use. But it was only when he found sobriety that Blake started to see things clearly.

“The biggest thing I learned in treatment is that I can be who I want to be without drugs and alcohol,” he revealed. “And I love it. I love myself.”

For Caitlin, a stay at Michigan’s A Forever Recovery for addiction treatment helped her gain more than sobriety — it helped her learn to truly value her own life. She told us:

“I have a lot more self-worth now. Before, I never felt like I was worth staying sober even when I wanted to be. I didn't feel that I was worth it, so I would just give up easily. Now it's different.”

 It helps you gain the confidence you need to move forward.

Sure, a professional treatment center can help you safely detox, but it’s so much more than just kicking the habit. The truth is, you have to figure out what lead to your drug abuse in the first place — and a good program helps you dig deep.

“My favorite part about treatment was that it didn’t focus on the alcohol and drug use aspect so much. It was more about finding yourself — who you are in life and which direction to go,” Jeremy explained. “Before going to treatment, I was lost, and I didn't think a program would be able to give me that.”

In the light of sobriety, professional treatment can help you not only recognize those inner demons, but defeat them.

“I wake up every day now with a smile and just love life for what it is. Being sober and having that clear mind is such an amazing feeling,” Jeremy said.

How Can You Treat Alcoholism
Overcoming Addiction will change your life
It makes you eager for the road ahead.

It’s one thing to be in the comforting security of a rehab center, but what about when you leave? Isn’t it kind of scary to pursue the sober path without the support of your recovery peers and counselors?

According to Steven, treatment actually gives you a positive outlook on the future.

“I’m excited to get my life back,” he said. “I'm excited to give my parents their son back. And I'm excited to give my girlfriend her boyfriend back and be the real man I was supposed to be.”

Scott, too, looks forward to a clean life as a new-and-improved man.

“Treatment made me a totally different person. Before, I would sugar coat everything and tell people lies to cover another lie,” he recalled. “I can't wait to be honest with someone and finally not have to worry about what I say. Treatment has just changed my whole life.

“It taught me how to be a person again, an honest person,” he said.

 Cecelia Johnson believes strongly in the power of good deeds and recognizing great work. That’s why she created The site is dedicated to connecting those who’ve been awarded for exemplary work in their communities to companies and organizations that can help them continue their admirable efforts through donations, sponsorships, and gifts. By making these connections, she hopes to build stronger, more altruistic communities and citizens.

Please take Overcoming Addiction serious. It is a topic that has negative effects for countless families and individuals.


God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change;

Courage to change the things I can;

And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Taking, as He did, this sinful world

As it is, not as I would have it;

Trusting that He will make things right

If I surrender to His Will;

So that I may be reasonably happy in this life

And supremely happy with Him

Forever and ever in the next.


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