Contributing Authors

Contributing Authors and the rest of Metaphysics-For-Better-Living is for you. I am a Science of Mind Minister and have designed this teaching website for those wanting to grow. 

Ernest Holmes This Thing Called You

Humanity is made up of innumerable individuals, no two alike, and yet society is a composite whole moving gradually toward some ultimate goal. What could this goal be other than that everyone, while remaining individual, shall find a more complete expression in and among all other individuals? This has been the dream of the ages, that the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and "a little child shall lead them." As Jesus said, ". . . that they may be one, even as we are one."

You belong to the universe in which you live, you are one with the Creative Genius back of this vast array of ceaseless motion, this original flow of life. You are as much a part of it as the sun, the earth and the air. There is something in you telling you this—like a voice echoing from some mountain top of inward vision, like a light whose origin no man has seen, like an impulse welling up from an invisible source.

Your soul belongs to the universe. Your mind is an outlet through which the Creative Intelligence of the universe seeks fulfillment.

This is your starting point for investigating the meaning of those impulses, longings and desires which accompany you through life. You may accept that the source through which they come is real. You may accept that the universe is filled with a Divine and Infinite Presence, perhaps the infinite of yourself. Not the infinite of your limited self, but the infinite of the Divine Self you must be. There must be a pattern of yourself in this invisible.

The greatest minds of the ages have accepted that such a pattern exists. Socrates called it his spirit, Jesus his Father in Heaven. Some ancient mystics called it Atman. Why don't you call it just you, your complete self? For surely this is what they all have meant.

Just try to catch the larger vision and realize that there have been and are people, many of them, who have wooed and wed some invisible Presence until Its atmosphere and essence have become woven into the fabric of their own existence. Every man is a doorway, as Emerson said, through which the Infinite passes into the finite, through which God becomes man, through which the Universal becomes individual.

You are to believe with utmost simplicity and with complete faith that there is a pattern of your being, or a real spirit of you, which is as eternal as God, as indestructible as Reality, and as changeless as Truth. This pattern is seeking to manifest through you. Back of it is all the will and purpose of the universe, all the irresistible laws of being.  Finally it will win.

It is because it is there that you have these irresistible urges—the longing to live more fully, the feeling that life belongs to you. There is something within you beyond all doubt and fear, something which has never been limited by your acts or destroyed by your feeling. This is the only something that can make you whole."

Ernest Holmes This Thing Called You

"YOU, LIKE all others, are seeking the joy of living. You wish to be needed, to be loved to be included in the great drama of life. This urge is in every individual. It is in everything. The rose exists to express beauty. Root and branch conspire with nature to give birth to blossom. An artist will starve in his garret that he may chisel an angelic form from a slab of marble, compelling the unyielding substance to accept his breath of creation.

Not only human beings, but everything in nature is endowed with this creative urge. When moisture is precipitated the desert receives it with gladness and breaks forth into a song of creation. Making the most of its brief season, it blossoms in joy, storing within its bosom the seed of a future flowering. It is impossible to escape this creative urge. Everything must find fulfillment or perish.

No man willed this so. Evolution is proof of an irresistible urge which pushes everything onward and upward. Man did not create life, he is something that lives in, from, and by it. He cannot escape life or the necessity of giving expression to it through living.

In some way which you know not of, through some process which never reveals its face, Life has entered into you and with it the irresistible impulse to create. Divine Intelligence has willed it so, nor you, nor any other person, nor all the wit, science or philosophy of man, nor the inspiration of saints or sages, can change one bit of it any more than man can arrest the eternal circuits of time, the revolutions of the planets or the desire of the fledgling to leave its nest, to soar and sing.

Create or perish is the eternal mandate of nature. Be constructive or become frustrated, is an equal demand. You cannot escape the conclusion that whatever this thing is which is seeking expression through everything, it can find satisfactory outlet only through constructive and life-giving creative-ness. You may call this process good or evil, right or wrong, God or the devil, heaven or hell. Would it not be more simple to say that finally things work out for the best only when they are life-giving.

We are all some part of a universal order. The very urge for personal gratification is incomplete until it finds a universal outlet. This is the cause back of all upheavals in human history. The pattern is trying to fit the pieces into greater and greater units as though it could not accomplish its purpose through anything other than a democracy of Spirit, a union of all. This union, however, does not mean sameness, for while unity requires conformity to principles, unity never means uniformity. Every blade of grass, every crystal, every drop of water, like every individual, is a little different from any other one of its species.

Give of yourself and raise your consciousness

One of my contributing authors is Rev. Carol. 

Rev. Carol and I have been close friends for over 30 years. We were co-founders of a Science of Mind Church in Connecticut called New Thought Healing Center of Connecticut.

Rev. Carol is a Science of Mind minister and she also has a doctorate in metaphysics.

Read some of her contributions at the following links.

The Law Of God

Why Self Awareness Is Important

It's My Life

Definition Of Consciousness

Definition Of Consciousness2

Definition Of Consciousness3

Definition Of Consciousness4

Change Your Life

Change Your Life 2

God's Greatest Gift

I Think Therefor I Am

The Future In Your Hands

What is Motivation

What is Motivation2

Amber Speck


Write About Recovery

has written  helpful articles on mental health and recovery.

I Think I Need Help

Who You Think I Am

Boost Your Health From Head-To-Toe

Ways to Deal With Stress

Ways To Improve Metal Health

Long-Term Strategies for Achieving Personal Development Success

Achieving a Better Life Experience

 Rebecca Fischer     

Rebecca has written well thought out articles

Addiction and Relapse

How To Control My Anger

My friend, Jan from Colorado.

Truth and Grace

My responsibility as a teacher is to offer you the best writing and teachings.

This author and teacher has a very poetic way to her teaching.

Natasa Pantovic Nuit 

is a poet, a writer, and a spiritual researcher on self-development, yoga, alchemy, and higher states of consciousness.

You can read some of her articles at

Divergent Thinking

Art of 4 Elements

Brain and its Magic

Elena Vella Littleton, Colorado

Read her short stories at 

Concepts and Correlations

Read her story Utopia at

A Better World Is Possible

Cecelia Johnson


Recognition Works 

How Can You Treat Alcoholism

Alcohol Addiction Recovery

If you think you have what it takes to be a Contributing Author you can visit any of the links below and write your article. If you have a book you would like to preview please let me know.

Beyond Positive Thinking And Its Possibilities

This I Believe 

Talk To God

Metaphysical Freedom

Daily Reflections

 Submit Your Article Free

Contributing Authors, You can be one also. 

Sometimes The Teacher
Becomes The Student

My goal is to help Enlighten those who visit. If you have personal experiences that you feel would be beneficial to others please share them.

If you want to write your own page go ahead.

The Energy of the Universe and the personal connection we have with each other will guide your thoughts.

Please confine all topics to the theme of this website

Be thoughtful and interesting, Remember you are attracting exactly what you put into the Universe.

Sidebar: If you have written a book and you would like to preview it or have something beneficial to add to this site please let me know.

Go to my page Ask Rev. Bill and submit your questions.

Thank you, Rev. Bill

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