Metaphysics Definition
Dictionary A-D

Metaphysics Definition Dictionary A-D

Metaphysics is a wonderful field of study that will enhance your life like you never thought possible. I am a Science of Mind minister and the information I provide on this teaching website Metaphysics-For-Better-Living help to change my life.

I give thanks to Ernest Holmes Founder of Science of Mind, one of my mentors for this information. These Metaphysics Definitions Dictionary is taken from my Science of Mind teaching manual. 

In presenting these lessons in Mental Science to the public, it is my desire to make it possible for any one, who cares to take the time to study them, to demonstrate the truths that will be discussed. It is, perhaps, hard to set down in writing a complete teaching in Mental Science that will not appear difficult to understand; but this could be said as well of any science, and the Science of Mind is no exception to the general rule. Now  metaphysics definition dictionary a-d will help you to understand all the wonderful and informative information that Metaphysics-For-Better-Living has to offer.

Though this list of metaphysics definition dictionary a-d may not be 100% complete, It will give you the terms you will need to understand metaphysics and all it's teachings.

ALPHA: That which is first.

AXIOM: A self-evident truth.

ABSOLUTE: "Free from restriction." 

AFFIRMATION: To state positively and maintain as being true.

AURA: The mental atmosphere surrounding a person.

APPARITION: "A specter of phantom. The act of appearing."

ATTRIBUTE: The being, essence, nature and substance of.

ALL-GOOD: God or Spirit.

ANALYSIS: Resolving things into their first elements.

ANDROGYNOUS: Having the characteristics of both sexes.

ACCUMULATED CONSCIOUSNESS: The sum total of all that one has ever said, thought, done or seen, consciously or un-consciously.

ACTIVE PRINCIPLE OF LIFE: The Self-Conscious Spirit.

AXIOMATIC REASONING: The deductions drawn from self-evident truths.

 BODY: The outward form.

BODY OF THE UNIVERSE: The manifest Creation, the Body of God, both visible and invisible.

BEING: That which has existence.

BLESSING: Constructive thought directed toward any one.

BIBLE: "The sacred books of any race or people."

CONSCIOUSNESS: The perception of existence.

COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Perception of The Whole.

COSMIC MIND: The Mind of God.

COSMIC CONCEPTION: The Divine Mind giving birth to Its Ideas.

CONCEPT: An idea in mind.

CONSCIOUS MIND: The self-knowing mind in God or man.

CREATION: Passing of Spirit into form.

COSMOS: The Universal World, visible and invisible.

CAUSATION: That which stands back of things as the Intelligent Cause.

CREATIVE MIND: The Universal Soul or Subjectivity. The Feminine Principle of the Universal Life.

CREATIVE MEDIUM: From the Universal Sense, it is the World-Soul; and from the individual sense, it is the subjective state of man's thought.

COSMIC STUFF: The stuff from which all forms are made.

COSMIC URGE: The desire of Spirit to express Itself.

COSMIC PURPOSE: The ideas of Spirit propelling themselves into outer expression. The desire of Spirit executing itself.

CREATIVE SERIES: Any particular and concrete manifestation of Spirit.

COEXISTENT: That which exists with.

COETERNAL: Always existing. Uncreated.

CONDITIONS: That which follows cause; the effect of law.

CORRESPONDENT: The mental picture of cause of anything.

CONCENTRATION: Bringing the attention to a focus.

CHANGE: The appearance and disappearance of forms.

CHRIST: The total manifestation of God, from the plant to an angel; from a peanut to the entire Universe of expression. Christ in Man means the idea of Sonship, the Perfect Man as He must be held in the Mind of God.

CONCRETE CAUSE: Definite idea.

CONCEIVE: To give birth to an idea.

COMPENSATION: The law of balance in the mental world. Cause and effect.

CONTEMPLATE: To know within the self.

CLAIRAUDIENCE: The ability to perceive sounds without the ear.

CLAIRVOYANCE: The ability to see mentally. See without the eye.

CURSE: Mentally used to destroy.

CONFLICT: Inner mental struggle, conscious or unconscious.

COMPLEX: The result of mental struggle, conscious or unconscious.

 DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Spiritual Causation operating through Universal Law.

DIVINE SCIENCE: The facts known about mental and spiritual law.

DIVINE URGE: The inner desire to express life.

DIVINE IDEAS: The Ideas of God.

DIVINE NATURE: The true nature of all things.


DESIRE: Life wishing to express Itself.

DISCARNATE SPIRITS: Entities out of the flesh.

DIAGNOSIS: Unearthing mental causes.

DEDUCTIVE REASONING: Reasoning from the whole to a part.

DREAM WORLD: World of thoughts that are Unexpressed.

DISEASE: The result of inhibited mental and spiritual action.

DEVIL: The personification of evil.

DENIAL: The mental act of denying the false appearance.

Metaphysics Definition Dictionary A-D

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The Truth within me is unassailable, and the Power of the Word is irresistible.
I can even now feel that my Word has gone forth with Power and Reality, and that it will accomplish that purpose for which it was created.
Limitless is its Power and wonderful are its works.
It can be nothing less than the Almighty working in and through me.
I will let this Word of the Spirit go forth from my mouth, and heal and bless the world.
It shall be as a strong tower unto all who call upon it.
The Truth is Complete and Perfect, and is within me now.

My Word is complete and perfect, now.

Affirmation from the Science of Mind teaching manual.

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