The Future In Your Hands


How to Prepare for a Metaphysical Life by Rev. Carol
(Tampa, Fl)

The future in your hands. From a young age we think, dream, make up scenario's as a child about what the future will hold for us. Some of us actually do it and have a wonderful and fulfilling life. If you are reading this then you may be lacking something in your life. You want more of something, but maybe you are not sure what it is. Maybe you are just not getting the satisfaction you need from church or other practices. It is possible you have no belief, although you sense something is missing. Now we are all feeling what it would be like to have that perfect peace and know our oneness with the universe. 

The Future In Your Hands? What now?

I think when we begin to know and realize who and what we are in the oneness of God, we can see ourselves as being true to our creator and what this existence is all about.

Establishing a life program of who, what and how we want to live is essential in developing a personal spiritual life style.
The following is the program I wrote for myself many years ago and those who would like, can use it to live life at its highest experience. If your not comfortable with some of my ideas, change them to fit your life.

I see myself as a spiritual being, as the very expression of God. I am so conscious of the God within that I become that self. I live move and have my being as the master that I was created to be.

I see myself living in a world of perfect peace, love harmony and joy, where aspirations from our source is completely healed and mankind is living in oneness.

I see myself, as being financially free with safety of knowing there is enough of everything with plenty to share. Any time I need something I can have it always because what I desire is already here for my pleasure. I see myself financially independent and totally secure with lavish abundance.

I see myself filled with zest and vitality. I see myself with a magnificently healthy body, in perfect order, where every cell is in the image of the perfect pattern, and I am whole and complete. My mind is quick and always thinking good for all, self included. My body is strong and lovely (handsome) to look at.

I see myself energetic, inspired and enthusiastic.

I see myself loving and loved, unconditionally.

I see myself poised, confident, and filled with absolute faith.

I see myself as whole and complete, with all sufficiency of all things.

I see my self as strong, mighty and powerful.

I see myself as eternal life in perfect expression.

I see myself as joyous, happy and delighted to be me.

I see myself and enjoying the good will of God every single day.

I see myself with perfect understanding.

I see myself as the Light of the World. I see myself as God working through me.

I see myself bringing the knowledge of the inner Spirit to many people and it will make their lives full. They will co create more and more of the same. I see myself as having abundant time for pleasing myself, my family, friends and everyone else.

If you have problems with any of these statements of truth, you may want to take a look at Rev. Bill’s suggested affirmations and enjoy changing negative beliefs into the positive thoughts that are true for you.

We are all born into this world perfect in every way. Very few of us realize it. This is unfortunate. We all want to provide a better future for our self's and our family. The future in your hands! You have control over your destiny. Do not get overwhelmed with your life, everyone has to start where they start. This is not a race. No two individuals are alike, we have to find our own way. 

For me I chose to wander in the wastelands I had created for myself. I had known from a young age that the path I was on did fulfill me, but I did not understand how to get there.

When I decided to seek out people and groups that could help me change my life, my eyes opened widely. My heart filled with hope and joy. When I got my first taste of what it was like to be perfect, there was no turning back. It has not always been easy and it was hard to look at the mess I had made. I know that once you feel the presence of the perfect universe you will know!.

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