Ways To Change Your Life 2
Written by Rev. Carol

Ways to Change Your Life 2 Continues

The people who have used and benefited from this law, to my own personal knowledge, come from every area of society and income bracket. They are heads of corporations and the people who drive trucks, motion picture stars and stage hands, university professors and their students, housewives, stenographers, professional people and carpenters.

These people are characterized by a singular specific character. They have found something which has taken the guess work our of their desires. They have learned to practice the law by which things are brought to pass.

As soon as a law is understood it becomes your servant. Although you cannot master a law just by hearing what it will do. You must trace its complications and study it. Put it to the test by practicing it. And you must be absolutely honest with yourself, never avoid the truth or make excuses for yourself. Never run away from the disclosure of hidden or unworthy motives. Never shrink from the necessary steps to be taken in the conquest of your lesser self. You must make yourself, clear, go to your very center. This means careful reading, observation, and sincere effort. This means seriously wanting to change your life.

You can and will find ways to change your life 2!

Undoubtedly, each of us is now demonstrating his/her concept of life. But trained thought is far more powerful than untrained thought. The one who gives conscious power directed to his/her thought should be more careful of what he/she thinks. The more completely we believe the more the more power it will have.

People are funny. Tell them that it is possible for them to rid themselves of the burden of being aimless or relive themselves of troublesome living that has been weighing them down for years. They will look at you interestingly, even nod their heads in agreement. But in their hearts what are they saying? It’s to good go be true. If just that little bit of doubt that is crawling around in your heart that will defeat you. Get rid of it, pluck it out! Nothing will hurt us more than this is. If you want to change your life, to live the happy successful existence you were meant to have, It is within your grasp.

The principle of beginning again is so simple. It’s is almost startling. A new life is yours if you choose to take it.

The time will come when we will let our conversation be in Heaven, and refuse to talk about, read ,or think about, those things that ought not to be. But, someone will say, should we refuse to look at sickness, poverty and unhappiness? This is not what we mean. We will not refuse to help the helpless or lift up the fallen, but we will refuse to wallow in the mud because of our sympathies.

And if we are blind to the truth and we try to lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch. We must always remember any form which is not of the original harmony is subject to change.

How? By changing our thoughts and knowing that thought is put into Law for the living of life. It is limitless perfection.

Understand this and it will show you ways to change your life 2

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Wayne Dyer

 "Overcome the unyielding parts of your life by yielding! Hard and rigid are overcome by the relentless application of gentle things, such as water’s soft flow or steady drip. So be persistently gentle and willing to surrender, and watch the resistance of the harsh and implacable wear away. For years, one of my family members who insisted on damaging herself and her relationships by ingesting intoxicating substances has been met by my loving but firm response. Slowly, over time, her hardness began to wear away in the face of the steady drip, drip, drip of gentle but resolute kindness, acceptance, and love. It can be discouraging at times, but as Lao-tzu points out in this verse, we must act just like water and use a soft approach, “for attacking the hard, the unyielding, nothing can surpass it.”

Your Forces and How to Use Them, by Christian D. Larson, [1912], at sacred-texts.com

When failure comes be more determined than ever to succeed.

The more feeling there is in your thought the greater its power.

You steadily and surely become in the real what you constantly and clearly think that you are in the ideal.

The more you believe in yourself the more of your latent powers and possibilities you place in action. And the more you believe in your purpose the more of your power you apply in promoting that purpose.

To him who thinks he can everything is an opportunity.

Depend only upon yourself, but work in harmony with all things. Thus you call forth the best that is in yourself and secure the best that external sources have to give.

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