Quantum Balance Crystals


Quantum Balance Crystals are handmade with lots of love in the USA. Each piece has hundreds of thousands of tiny nano-scale quartz crystals invisible to the naked eye, as well as decorative visible crystals encased in a high-grade natural resin.

The entire material is infused with beneficial frequencies which resonate with all living organisms[the human body, animals, and vegetation].These frequencies work in alignment with the natural rhythm of the body.

Quantum Balance Crystals
And Healing

Quantum Balance Crystals (QBCs) are skillfully hand crafted with love in the mountains of Eastern USA.  Each QBC has hundreds of thousands of nano-scale quartz crystals that are invisible to the naked eye, and larger decorative but highly energetic crystals, embedded in a high-grade natural resin.  The dyes are plant based and the color energy positively influences the balancing of the body’s energy centers, or chakras.

 The entire crystal is infused with beneficial and specific frequencies, which optimize the health and vital energy of all living beings including plants and animals. 

One of the frequencies infused is the acclaimed frequency of Love resonating at 528 Hz, along with other ancient Solfeggio Tones commonly used in healing and meditation practices.

People who wear a QBC experience a process called Exponential Transformational Centering (ETC) that is characterized by an amazing feeling of calmness and being grounded.  Some of the many benefits of ETC that have been reported are improved balance, performance, strength, endurance, focus, clarity, better sleep, vitality, and an increased overall sense of well-being.  When worn consistently, the wearer effortlessly enjoys an expansion and stabilization of these benefits.

 Water formations created by various Solfeggio Frequencies  

QBC’s Effect on Electromagnetic Frequencies  

Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) emitted by electronics and electrical systems are chaotic in comparison to naturally occurring EMFs. The disorganized EMFs distort organic energy and weaken all living matter. QBCs restructure and harmonize negative EMFs into coherent waves that easily attune with our energy field.

In the human body, energy naturally flows in the same direction of all living matter. Excessive amounts of EMFs reverse this flow to the opposite direction.   The result of this shift puts stress on all living organisms and interferes with the body’s ability to function, stay centered and calm. OBCs shift this energy to an organized and structured form, restoring balance and strength in the body. The human body's electrical system strives to resonate with Earth's vibration of 7.83 Hz, a frequency named the Schumann Resonance.

However in today's technological environment, we are being bombarded and overwhelmed with more frequencies than the nature of our bodies are designed to receive. Countless modern conveniences, such as cell/cordless phones, cell phone towers, radio stations, computers, WiFi, florescent lighting, etc, constantly emit EMFs. Wearing a QBC allows us to counteract these chaotic frequencies, resulting in a natural grounding effect and stabilized energy field. 

QBC come in 12 beautiful colors and are great for chakra and color therapy. When QBC are worn continuously, many people report they experience improved balance, strength, focus, better sleep, and vitality. 

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