Metaphysics Definition 2 is continued with great respect for Science of Mind. The lessons I have learned have helped me grow beyond what I thought possible. Study these pages and you to can enhance your spiritual life.
SOUL: Used in the sense of the World-Soul, or Medium through which Spirit operates. It is the Holy Ghost or Third Person of the Trinity.
CREATIVE MEDIUM: Like the creative soil in which seeds are planted and from which plant life grows, the Soul of the Universe is the Creative Medium into which the Word of Spirit falls and from which Creation arises. We must be careful not to think of Soul and Spirit as separate; for they are really two parts, or aspects of the same thing, each being Self-Existent and Coeternal with the other. The simplest way to think of the World-Soul is to think of It as we would the soil in which we plant seeds.
SUBJECTIVE: The dictionary defines subjective as "the impression which an object makes on the mind." The external object is a percept while the impression is a concept. The concept, or idea, would be subjective; for it would be the impression which the mind receives.
In the above chart we are interpreting the word subjective as meaning the receptacle of the thought forms of Spirit. The Soul is Subjective to the Spirit; that is, It receives impressions from It. Subjective always means something that receives.
SUBCONSCIOUS MIND: The same as Subjective. The Spirit is Conscious Mind; the Soul is Subconscious Mind; It is like the soil or ground; It receives and acts. It is not a Knower as Spirit is, but is a Doer, or Executor, of the Will of the Spirit.
UNCHOOSING: Unlike Spirit, the Soul has no choice of Its own. Being subjective, It is bound to receive but cannot choose. We must always bear in mind that Soul simply reflects the images that the Spirit casts into It.
IMMATERIAL: The Soul is immaterial, as we think of matter; but It is the substance of Spirit and might be considered to be the Matter of Spirit. As all matter in the physical world is supposed to finally resolve into the ether from which it came, so we may think of the Substance of Soul as we think about the ether and realize that everything in form finally becomes Soul-Stuff again.
Perhaps the simplest way to think of It, however, would be to think of It as the last and final analysis of matter. We know that matter comes from somewhere, and the teaching is that Soul-Stuff is the thing from which it comes. We must, however, distinguish Soul-Stuff from Soul.
Soul is Subjective Intelligence; for, while It may not have the ability to choose, It certainly has the ability to intelligently work out the commands of Spirit. We must never think of the subconscious as though it were unconscious. The Soul of the Universe is next in Principle to Spirit and but little lower than Spirit. Subconscious means subjective consciousness but not unconsciousness. While the Soul may not choose, having no self-knowing consciousness of Its own, yet It has an intelligence of Its own, which is Infinite compared to the power of intelligence which we exhibit.
For instance, the whole intelligence of the race could not create a buttercup or a pansy; yet the Intelligence in the creative soil in the earth will produce as many for us as we ask it to; that is, of course, if we plant the seeds. This same idea holds good in that greater Creative Medium of the Spirit which we call the Soul of the Universe. It has the intelligence and the power to produce things but no choice as to what It is to produce.
Soul and Soul-Stuff are two different things; but they belong together and must be placed in the category of the Creative Medium. Soul is Subconscious Mind working on Immaterial Stuff and creating from It the many forms which we see. Think of It as a seed working in the soil and the soil working on the seed.
ILLUSION OF MIND: This does not mean that Subjective Mind is an illusion, but it does mean that forms could be projected into It which were not really true. For a more complete explanation of this, see chart in the lesson on Psychic Phenomena.
IMPERSONAL: The Creative Medium is Impersonal, having no personality of Its own as the Spirit has. It neither knows nor cares who uses It, but is always ready to work for any or all alike. Remember this.
FEMININE: The Universal Medium or Soul has been called the "Womb of Nature" and "The Holy Mother," because It is receptive to the Spirit and is impregnated with the Divine Ideas. It gives birth to the Ideas of the Spirit and is, therefore, the Feminine Principle of Nature.
NEUTRAL: Soul is neutral. Like the soil it will produce any or all kinds of plants. Having no conscious mind of Its own, It receives all ideas and works them out into form. We must always remember that the Creative Medium is neutral. If It could choose, It could reject, and this is just what It cannot do. It is bound to accept and act, just as the soil does when we plant cabbages in the ground. It does not argue, but at once goes to work to produce cabbages. When we plant potatoes it does the same thing. We may plant cabbages and potatoes with roses and pansies; and we shall receive all four plants from the one neutral creative medium which knows neither good nor bad, but is conscious only of its ability to do.
PLASTIC: This refers to Soul-Stuff, either formed or unformed. It is entirely an indeterminate stuff; that is, it has no mind of its own. Matter has no intelligence at all, but is the material which is formed by the power of the Word.
MAYA: Refers to the illusion of mind.
BLIND FORCE: Some of the early philosophers referred to the Soul or Creative Medium as a "Blind force not knowing, only doing." This we know to be true of all law. Law knows only to do but has no conscious volition of its own.
LAW: It will be apparent by now that the Creative Medium of Spirit is the great Mental Law of the Universe. It is the Law obeying the Will of the Spirit. It is the Universal Law of Mind. All law is Mind in action.
MEDIUM OF ALL THOUGHT, POWER AND ACTION: It is the one Medium through which all Law and all Power operate. It is the One Law within which all the lesser laws work.
CINEMA PICTURES: Means that It is the Medium of all thought forms. See explanation of chart covering the lesson on Psychic Phenomena.
PASSIVE AND RECEPTIVE: Means neutral and feminine.
REASON DEDUCTIVE ONLY: Being subjective, the Creative Medium cannot analyze, dissect nor deny. Because of Its nature, It must always accept. Consequently, It is always deductive in Its reasoning powers.
KARMIC LAW: Karmic Law means the law of cause and effect. The Karmic Law works through the Medium of the World-Soul.
THE SERVANT OF THE SPIRIT THROUGHOUT THE AGES: The Universal Soul, being the Creative Principle of Nature and the Law of Spirit, has been called "The Holy Ghost or The Servant of the Eternal Spirit throughout the Ages."
Let us realize that neither the Soul of the Universe nor the Spirit were ever created. Each is Eternal.
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