I Need Mental Health  Help

I need mental health help, Ok lets investigate why you believe you need it. Maybe it is anger?

It is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. 

I Need Mental
Health Help

So what causes It?

Some of the cause would be stress, financial hardship, Difficult family or personal relationships, abuse: physical, mental or sexual and lets not forget substance abuse. Being angry in life and not being able to control it will never have a positive outcome.

John Bradshaw has written many books on family dysfunction. I know from personal experience that low self esteem and how we grow up including all the environments we have been subjected to leads to many of the feelings and situations we find ourselves in when we reach adulthood. 

Shame exists in everyday life. It influences our interpersonal relationships and affects how we think and behave. Feelings of shame come through self reflection. It is when one compares an action they have taken against some standard, either one’s own or someone else’s. It is a very powerful master emotion that deserves study. Shame, guilt and pride are secondary emotions to primary emotions like joy, sadness, anger, disgust, interest, and fear. Secondary emotions begin in the subconscious. To experience shame depends on whether or not one focuses attention on their emotional state. Prolonged feelings of shame may turn into humiliation, depression, and rage.

Let us continue to learn about ourselves emotionally and mentally so that we can continue on our spiritual journey. Without knowing who we are, how can we expect to grow healthier for our family, friends and jobs. 

Louise HayOne of my Mentors and favorite Authors Says This about Anger: 

"Fear is becoming rampant on the planet. We can see it every day in the news. Fear is a lack of trust in ourselves, and because of this, we don’t trust Life. We don’t trust that we’re being taken care of on a higher level, so we feel we must control everything from the physical level. Obviously, we’re going to feel fear because we can’t control everything in our lives.

Trust is what we learn when we want to overcome our fears. It’s called “taking a leap of faith” and trusting in the Power within that’s connected to Universal Intelligence. Remember, the Power that supplies our breath is the same Power that created the Universe.

You’re one with all of Life. The more you know how to love yourself and trust Life, the more that Life will love you, support you, and guide you. You can trust in that which is invisible, instead of trusting only in the physical, material world. I’m not saying that we do nothing, yet if we have trust, we can go through life much easier. We need to trust that we’re being taken care of, even though we’re not physically in control of everything that’s happening around us."

encoraging thoughts

Ernest Holmes and his books played a large part in my life. I would not be the person I am today without his help. This is from one of those books:


As the fall of man was brought about through his own act, so the rise of man will be accomplished through his own act. God already Is. Salvation is not a thing but a Way; the way of salvation is through the realization of man's unity with the Whole. Grace is the givenness of the Spirit to Its Creation and is not a special law, but is a specialized one. In other words, Grace Is, but we need to recognize It. It is not something that God imposed upon us, but is the logical result of the correct acceptance of life and of a correct relationship to the Spirit.

We are saved by Grace to the extent that we believe in, accept and seek to embody, the Law of Good; for the Law of Good is ever a Law of Liberty and never one of limitation. Limitation is not a thing, but is a belief. Freedom is a Divine Reality, while limitation is an illusion, a false belief.

Salvation is an act of man and not an act of God. Man damned himself and man must save himself, if he ever is saved. He will save himself to the exact degree that he stops damning himself. He will live in Heaven when he stops living in hell. He will be healed when he stops being sick. He will become rich just as soon as he stops being poor. He will become as God when he stops masquerading as the devil. He will be happy when he stops being miserable. He will be at peace when he stops becoming confused. He will be filled with joy when he stops thinking sadness. He will live when he stops dying. He will be perfect when he stops looking upon imperfection; and he will be saved when he stops damning himself. HE WILL BE ONE WHEN HE STOPS BEING TWO. MAN, MAN, MAN, MAN, MAN, MAN, MAN; "The great Thou--I--and the great I--Thou."

I Need Mental Health Help is a page that is about a need that most people deal with. Do not feel bad about yourself.

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