Beyond Positive Thinking
And Its Possibilities

Getting Beyond Positive Thinking and Its Possibilities, being able to see the truth of a situation can be challenging.

Having studied Metaphysics for 30 plus years and being a Science of Mind Minister I tend to see things differently than some others might. Because I am a meta-physician and I write about metaphysics and  I work at seeing beyond what appears to be real vs what may actually be happening. 

This sometimes becomes a moral issue. Being raised Catholic and having found that religion did not work for me and then after many years of searching finding what works for me, can sometimes cause conflict within myself. I do not think that I am alone.

We end up being as adults products of other people's thoughts. From the time we start school and we are told what subjects to study, what is right or wrong and our parents also contributing to our being programed. Research has shown that the people with whom we spend the most amount of time with also influence our behavior. In my experience what I see, think, and believe is the truth, is not always true.

 All that being said, can we really get beyond race mind thinking” that which is most popular in society” and really see the truth behind what appears to be real. Look at this photo and see if there is more than one wolf. What we think we see is only the beginning. We should try to train ourselves to always see the bigger picture and never take anything at face value. Try seeing Beyond Positive Thinking and Its Possibilities and find the real.

law of attraction

Beyond Positive Thinking
and Its Possibilities

Scenario: A woman has a son or daughter and the woman decides that drinking and drugs are more important than the child. She leaves the child unattended often while she is out at a club for hours. Child services takes the child. The woman gets a second chance. Then continues to do the same things.

Now someone with a lot of love, a really good person, maybe a relative kidnaps the child and gives this beautiful child a loving and nurturing home. The child loves there new parents and are very happy.

You find out what happened and you know where the child is. You know the mother. You know she does not care about anyone but herself. She is still drinking and doing drugs and only getting worse. What do you do?

Tell the authorities and do what appears to be the right thing. After all he/she is the child’s mother. Or do you keep it to yourself knowing the child will have the life he or she could never have with the birth mother. Is this a moral issue or is it something that was supposed to happen for the child’s own good. Perhaps the child created it to be better off. 

This is just a teaching scenario where I am trying to have you realize that everything is not always as it appears. There may be better solutions and actions that put us in a better place.

If we do not open ourselves to other possibilities we are destined to failure.

So I believe it is important to belong to a spiritual community of like minded people to enhance your own peace of mind. I seek a spiritual community that nurtures my spiritual growth and I become a part of it. This helps me get Beyond Positive Thinking and Its Possibilities see the infinite possibilities of the universe.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale The Power Of Positive Thinking Said This:

"WHO DECIDES WHETHER you shall be happy or unhappy? You do. A television celebrity had as a guest on his program an aged man. And he was a rare old man indeed. His remarks were entirely unpremeditated. They simply bubbled up out of a personality that was radiant and happy. And whenever he said anything, it was so naive, so apt, that the audience roared with laughter. They loved him. Impressed, the celebrity enjoyed the situation with the others. Finally he asked the old man why he was so happy. “You must have a wonderful secret of happiness,” he suggested. “No,” replied the old man, “I haven’t any great secret. It’s just as plain as the nose on your face. When I get up in the morning I have two choices—to be happy or unhappy. I just choose to be happy.” It may appear that the old man’s remark was superficial, but I recall that Abraham Lincoln, whom nobody could accuse of being superficial, said that people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be. You can be unhappy if you want to be. It is the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. Just choose unhappiness. Go around telling yourself that things aren’t going well, that nothing is satisfactory, and you can be quite sure of being unhappy. But say to yourself, “Things are going nicely. Life is good. I choose happiness,” and you can be quite certain of having your choice. To become a happy person, have a clean soul, eyes that see romance in the commonplace, a child’s heart and spiritual simplicity. brought into situations, this has produced such excellent results that it must be regarded as an extraordinarily efficient method of prayer. People who take this method seriously and actually use it get astonishing results. Realize this healthy thought sending a quieting and healing influence through his mind. I assured him that if he would follow this plan, these healthy thoughts would drive off the diseased thoughts that were sapping his joy, energy and creative ability. He had his doubts, but he followed my directions. After about three weeks he called me on the telephone and shouted, “Boy, this sure works! It is wonderful. I have snapped out of it, and I wouldn’t have believed it possible.” Tomorrow when you arise, say out loud three times this one sentence, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). Only personalize it and say, “I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Repeat it in a strong, clear voice and with positive tone and emphasis. While dressing or getting breakfast, say aloud a few such remarks as, “I believe I can successfully handle all problems that will arise today. I feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. It is wonderful to be alive. I am grateful for all that I have had, for all that I now have and for all that I shall have. Things aren’t going to fall apart. God is here and He is with me and He will see me through. I thank God for every good thing.” Throughout the day, base your actions and attitudes upon fundamental principles of happy living. One of the most simple and basic of such principles is that of human love and goodwill. It is amazing what happiness a sincere expression of compassion and tenderness will induce. A genuinely happy man is a friend of mine, H. C. Mattern, who, with his equally happy wife, Mary, travels throughout the country. Mr. Mattern carries a unique business card on the reverse side of which is stated the philosophy that has Many of us manufacture our own unhappiness. Of course not all unhappiness is self-created, for social conditions are responsible for not a few of our woes. Yet, to a large extent, by our thoughts and attitudes we distill out of the ingredients of life either happiness or unhappiness for ourselves. Anyone who desires it, who wills it and who learns and applies the right formula may become a happy person. If happiness is determined by our thoughts, it is necessary to drive off the thoughts which make for depression and discouragement. This can be done first by simply determining to do it, and second by utilizing an easily employed technique which I suggested to a businessman. This man’s principal trouble was in his depressed thought pattern. He needed an infusion of light and faith. So rather boldly I said, “If you want to feel better and stop being miserable, I can give you something that will fix you up.” “What can you do?” he snorted, “are you a miracle worker?” “No,” I replied, “but I can put you in touch with a Miracle Worker who will drain off that unhappiness of yours and give you a new slant on life. I mean that,” I concluded as we separated. Apparently this businessman became curious, for he got in touch with me later and I gave him a little book of mine called Thought Conditioners. It contains 40 health- and happiness-producing thoughts. Inasmuch as it is a pocket sized booklet, I suggested that he carry it for easy consultation and that he drop one of the suggested thoughts in his mind every day for 40 days. I further suggested that he commit each thought to memory, and that he visual."


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Beyond Positive Thinking and Its Possibilities

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Due to the long period I took without talking to my closest brother, he never wanted to hear anything from, but the whole last week till today we are communicating, …

the positve mind Not rated yet
it is really a story that is very touchy to a searching mind. that personal desires most times detach us from the track of reasoning in life. such a situation …

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Wow Rev. Bill you did again, making me think of something good that happened in my life. I’m going to tell you about a wonderful event that I experienced. …

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